Everyone has a favorite place, a life-changing memory they can’t relive anywhere else, or loved ones who are far away. With our “Don’t Skip the Trip” campaign, we’re reminding you to return to the destinations and people you miss most.

500 Million Wasted Days

In the 2015 Vacation Deprivation study, researchers at Expedia found that Americans left about 500 million vacation days unused. That same study also found that 92% of Americans report feeling happier after they get away. So, what does that mean? We’re convinced life is better when you use your PTO or spare time to its fullest potential… but letting yourself off the hook may be easier said than done.

Don’t Sacrifice Vacay for More Work

Our “Don’t Skip the Trip” campaign was inspired by those 500 million unused vacation days. Just think of all the skipped holidays at home, lost weekends in favorite hideaways, and awesome memories you aren’t creating when you sacrifice vacation for more work. To rally you to take those hard-earned days off, we’ve hatched a new Facebook integration that connects travelers with custom flights deals to their favorite places based on check-ins.

As part of the campaign, we made a short video to show you exactly what it looks like when you don’t treat yourself to a change of scenery.

We’ll roll out more videos on our YouTube channel, so stay tuned! Things can get a little weird.

This year, don’t skip the trip. Go ahead and eat your fill of Nana’s mashed potatoes or ring in a new year with old friends. Connect with Flights.com to visit your loved ones and relive your best adventures in your favorite places.